Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Filming day 3

Day three of filming entailed shooting the remainder of the shots and reshooting ones that we weren't satisfied with. 
We began by first traveling to Sidcup to get some some shots of the flats, what we didn't realise though is that these were being knocked down meaning we couldn't get anywhere near them which was disappointing as we couldn't get some of the shots we needed but they didn't really add to the story so we can do without them after this we began to make our way back into welling getting the shots we needed the final shot we decided to take an alley by were i live these shots i feel were extremely effective.   

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Filming day 2

on day two of filming we reshot scenes from the day before that we were not satisfied with after we reshot these we began working on the rest of the filming starting from outside Ben's house, we filmed shots of me walking from there to an abandoned house in woods i will check these shots later tonight to see if anything needs re-filming.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Filming day 1

In our first day of filming we decided to start from the beginning of our storyboard and work forward until the end for the first day we decided to begin filming in Ben's house for the shots with the sugar as it was an easy location to get to and also we could change the lighting to make the living room look dark and gloomy.
we began by grinding up some caster sugar as it was a prop that we were using in these shots we then placed the caster sugar into a bag so that we could pour it onto the table, we had to redo this shot several times as we couldn't get the camera angle right when we eventually got that shot right we began to work on writing out our title and separating the sugar, if these shots don't work we will have to refilm tomorrow.  

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Fonts for the title sequence

These are examples of fonts we are thinking of using for our title sequence colours and backgrounds may change.

Title sequence analysis Kidulthood

In the beginning of the sequence we see the production company logo as the sequence begins we hear a very heavy dubstep soundtrack and  we see that their is a very Saul Bass feel to this title sequence as they use simple shapes cut out of paper to make this title sequence, as the sequence starts we see a high rise of flats informing us of the films location of an english council estate as the shot pans down we are shown an image of a teenager hoodie suggesting that this film is set in the 21st century, the shot changes to to people kissing in smoke possibly suggesting that there will be some suggestion of love or romance in this film.
as the sequence continues we see three hooded teenagers walking with a dog there dark clothes may connote an unwelcome presence, as this shot fades we are given the view down the barrel of a gun which would suggest violence and conflict, this scene fades again and the title of the film appears in bright white text.  

Calendar for project

Friday, 7 February 2014

Title sequence analysis the walking dead (STINCS)

Setting- The setting for the walking dead is a post apocalyptic world you can see this as the streets are empty and because of the dark empty building interiors that look deserted and destroyed.

Theme- The mood shows that this is a fast paced, serious, drama/horror fiction you can tell this by the music as it is quite suspenseful and tense and the colours used in the sequences are very dull and dark and their isn't much lighting asides from the natural light of the sun.

Iconography-The iconography of the sequence is the door handle twisting could perhaps connote a wish for escape the next thing we see is the newspaper with the main character we can see that he is wearing a police officers uniform next we see a photograph of another of the main characters also wearing a police uniform possibly suggesting that they will be the authority within the story next we see a smashed photo of a woman possibly meaning that she is important to one or both men. As the sequence continues we see a teddy lying abandoned in the street, perhaps connoting a loss of innocence in the world.

Narrative- The storyline of the walking dead is about a group of people who band together to survive the apocalypse meeting other survivors along the way and trying to rebuild civilisation.

Characters- Three of the principle characters are shown in this sequence using photos from what we can tell the two males are both police officers, no suggestion is given to the woman's profession from the title sequence we assume that they are the three main protagonists.

Style-The music in this sequence is very tense and the editing is fast and jumpy possibly connoting the fact that each character must move from place to place to survive this makes an audience feel tense as they can see that there is a threat that is constantly following the characters.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

What is STINCS

S.T.I.N.C.S is an acronym used in the media industry it stands for: Setting,Theme,Iconography,Narrative,Characters and Style they are the five main things that a title sequence must hint to its audience or else the audience may get confused or become bored with the sequence and not watch the film or T.V show as the title sequence shows nothing of relevance to the actual piece of media that they are viewing.
Setting's can be explained by the location where the title sequence is filmed, if the Title sequence is shot in several different locations it means that all locations will probably feature in the piece of media.
The theme of a piece of media is decided by the colours and the music in the title sequence for example if the colours are dark and gloomy and the music is tense then its probably a horror film whereas if the colours are bright and cheerful and the music is upbeat and happy it is probably a lighthearted comedy piece of media.
Iconography is the use of certain objects in the title sequence such as props and costumes so props like sheriffs badges or police uniforms would connote law and safety whereas things like guns would connote danger.
Narrative is usually only hinted at in title sequences usually by showing shots of the main characters and what they are striving to achieve.
Characters are normally not shown in title sequences unless they are the main characters which the story is told from their viewpoint or viewpoints.
Style is unique to each director and is defined by music colours and the theme as different directors have different ideas of what is right for each of their sequences.          

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Roland Barthes enigma code

Roland Barthes Enigma code; A media text which portrays a mystery in order to intrigue audiences in the piece of text, for example murder mystery texts will not reveal the identity of the killer until the end of the story to make the audience ask the question, "who is the murderer?"

There are 5 Enigma codes in total these include:

  • Hermeneutic Code - Voice of Truth: Element in a story not explained and therefore exists as an enigma for the reader, raising questions
  • Proairetic Code - Voice of Empirics: Tension built up leaving the audience guessing what will happen next
  • Semantic Code - Voice of Person: Any element in text suggests meaning by way of connotation
  • Symbolic Code - Voice of Symbol: Wider level of semantic code, organises semantic meanings into broader and deeper sets of meaning. New meaning arises out of opposing and conflict ideas.
  • Cultural Code - Voice of Knowledge: Looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, morality and ideology.
These 5 codes add different meanings to a film and are vital to a title sequence as a title sequence is a small taste of what is to come in the film and if the audience are not satisfied they will switch off and not enjoy or watch the film.


    In media today we began to look at sounds and how we could record sounds to to create different effects in the lesson we were given video cameras and told to go out and record different sounds which would be heard in a horror movie.