Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Roland Barthes enigma code

Roland Barthes Enigma code; A media text which portrays a mystery in order to intrigue audiences in the piece of text, for example murder mystery texts will not reveal the identity of the killer until the end of the story to make the audience ask the question, "who is the murderer?"

There are 5 Enigma codes in total these include:

  • Hermeneutic Code - Voice of Truth: Element in a story not explained and therefore exists as an enigma for the reader, raising questions
  • Proairetic Code - Voice of Empirics: Tension built up leaving the audience guessing what will happen next
  • Semantic Code - Voice of Person: Any element in text suggests meaning by way of connotation
  • Symbolic Code - Voice of Symbol: Wider level of semantic code, organises semantic meanings into broader and deeper sets of meaning. New meaning arises out of opposing and conflict ideas.
  • Cultural Code - Voice of Knowledge: Looks at the audiences wider cultural knowledge, morality and ideology.
These 5 codes add different meanings to a film and are vital to a title sequence as a title sequence is a small taste of what is to come in the film and if the audience are not satisfied they will switch off and not enjoy or watch the film.

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