Codes and Conventions of a Crime Drama Film.
Typical codes and conventions of a crime/drama film would be:
- A chase (usually car).
- A lot of involvement with props that can be harmful such as knifes or guns.
- The villain would usually have some unidentified problems that will be revealed at the very end of the film.
- The hero who saves everyone will have a partner (usually very intelligent or very dopey).
- Characters will usually include someone vulnerable and gangs.
- Crimes will usually be murder/dramas will usually be to do with family of the protagonist.
- Conflicts due to difference in policing.
- Someone’s private life becoming public.
- Betrayal.
- A chase (usually car).
- A lot of involvement with props that can be harmful such as knifes or guns.
- The villain would usually have some unidentified problems that will be revealed at the very end of the film.
- The hero who saves everyone will have a partner (usually very intelligent or very dopey).
- Characters will usually include someone vulnerable and gangs.
- Crimes will usually be murder/dramas will usually be to do with family of the protagonist.
- Conflicts due to difference in policing.
- Someone’s private life becoming public.
- Betrayal.
These are the typical conventions from a crime drama film are film uses some of the conventions such as the convention of betrayal which plays a huge part in our film as it is why the main character is seeking revenge in the first place. We used to the convention of the chase but we developed it so instead of it being a car chase it was more of a hunt where the main protagonist is following the antagonist making the title sequence feel more authentic as the dealer doesn't know that he is being followed making the protagonist feel more anonymous, our film also adheres to some of the characters as the main antagonist belongs to a gang and the protagonist was once in the same gang perhaps making him slightly vulnerable as he is trying to seek revenge but must do it while remaining incognito as his some of his former gang mates may recognise him, another convention that are film develops is that of the murder that occurs during the betrayal is the protagonists best friend rather than a family member as we felt that the protagonist should have no brothers or sisters to make him more of an independent character, who gets involved with the gang of his own accord we also felt that we could develop this convention as we could also use it to mould the protagonists personality as he would feel responsible for his friends death. we also conform to the harmful props convention as in the title sequence we have quite a few shots involving drug props such as flour to represent cocaine which can be extremely harmful later in the film we would have also included props such as guns and knifes.
The way our film challenges some of these conventions is first and foremost that our character is very solitary, relying on nobody so he has no partner or sidekick to back him up or help him,we thought to challenge this convention as our protagonist is a very lonely and distrustful character. Another way of which our film challenges the conventions is that there is no conflict due to policing as there is no gang war or police crackdown meaning there is no conflict for control of the gang,another convention we challenge is somebody's private life becoming public as the antagonists in the film will be well known notorious gang members within the context of the story and the protagonist private life has only one existing factor which is revenge. The final convention we challenge is that the main antagonist has some unidentified problems that are revealed at the end of the film, as we felt that it would create pity for a character who the audience is meant to feel nothing but contempt towards.
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